Friday, June 19, 2009

Buckle Your Seatbelts...It's going to be a LONG post!

Ok, I don't even know where to start! Beau has gone to Survival training and then is off to EWO training in San Antonio for the next 9 month. The boys and I are not allowed to go with him, so we were faced with the decision of staying in Florida by ourselves or moving to Sudan to spend Chance's senior year with him. WELL DUH!! It's not that hard to figure out what we decided. We moved back to Sudan this week. I started school this week, 12 hours to be exact, in 10 weeks! AND the boys will be starting day-care for the 1st time next month! Talk about a life change! YUP, we are going through it! The boys are just growing soo much. They have done sooo good on our 4 trips to and from Pensacola. Around 5000 miles to be exact. They have gotten sooo much better at talking. They are currently putting words together and have exploded from about 30 words to 100's. I really have to watch what I say these days. It is amazing to see them grow up soo much in such a short period of time. It's hard for Beau not to be with us everyday watching it and we know it is hard, but that is the lifestyle we chose when he joined the Air Force. The boys are ready to potty train, I just haven't had the time or energy packing our house to go to storage and moving back to Sudan. My dad and Chance have been lifesavers! They have helped me get everything packed and keeping the boys happy! Here are a few random pictures.

See we do love each other!

We found some old pacci's while Mommy was cleaning out the cabinet.

We thought it was hilarious to put 2 in our mouth then spit them on the floor! They haven't had pacci's since they were 5 months old!

Playing in the sprinkler since our Swimming Pool was already packed...Speaking of which it needs to stop raining in Texas so we can get it filled up! =]

Playing golf in the sprinkler! Braeden is going to be our golfer!

Sooo Sorry for the lack of posts, but I haven't had much time to take pictures! =] I have a few from our last trip to Texas and to the Abilene Zoo that The boys LOVED feeding the giraffe and spending time with Cousin Addi! Her and Brennen are a handful! They have the EXACT same personalities and either love playing together or are fighting over who is in charge! HAHA

At the Zoo on our Jungle Adventure!

The Giraffe

Feeding the Giraffe

Addi with her new sunglasses

Pushing Addi in the stroller


I think she was saying, Mommy I really don't like these boys stealing my baby dolls and stroller


Braeden & Mommy

The best we could get of all 3!

Braeden giving Mommy kisses

The family with Brennen mad because we took his stroller away!

Group bath time!

Addi washing Brennen's hair

Addi washing Braeden

Addi wore us out!