Monday, March 30, 2009


As most of you know, Beau received his wings on Friday, March 27th! They had a ceremony where I pinned his wings on. It was really neat!

Me Pinning the wings, trying not to poke him..Notice his hand grabbing Braeden. He was sooo mad and tired. It was right in the middle of nap time and he was not cooperating. He was the talk of the town. Everyone except Beau & I thought it was hilarious.

Right after the pinning. Notice Brennen's blinging watch. Braeden has mine in his hand. It seemed the only thing that would keep them quite. Even though I brought a whole bag of toys

Daddy & Brennen

David w/ Braeden, Beau, Me w/ Brennen, & Belinda. I'm not sure what I'm laughing about, but I'm sure it has something to do with Brennen trying to eat my necklace...Literally, he thought it was food.

Our sweet little family

With cousins Rusty, Kristen, Hannah & Chloe from Mississippi. They came down for the ceremony.

The class receiving their wings that day

The cousins...Brennen, Braeden, Chloe & Hannah

Beau doing the B-1 toast at the O'club

Throwing the wine glass in the fountain...It's a tradition!

Can it be???

We think Braeden has chicken pox...It started on his back and is starting to spread acroos his side and onto his belly. I'm waiting on the doctor to call...Updates to come!

UPDATE: It is chicken pox..Off to the store I go to get calamine & benadryl!

I told ya'll it's going to be a long year. We just can't seem to get well! =[

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Off to the Doctor We go...

Again! I'm getting annoyed with going to the doctor. We only went to the doctor in our 1st 2 years of life when we had well-baby check-ups and when we went home to Texas...Now I have been 4 times in 2 weeks. Anyways, Braeden has been having random puking! So I started getting worried and called yesterday to ask what to do. They wanted the doctor to see him so we went in. He has gastroenteritis, which is basicially a stomach bug and should just go away. So nothing too major. It is contagious so I for the life of me can't figure why Brennen hasn't got it. Oh Well! Beau has his winging ceromony on Friday, so we went off shopping for a "dressy" outfit. Can I just say how flippin' annoyed I am. There are TONS of cute little girl dresses and outfits. Beau got mad at me because I couldn't make a decision on the boys outfits, but seriously all the dresses, I just wanted to look at them. Anyways, here is what we ended up with. Polo shirts and Khakis...Soooo normal for guys. HAHA I'm starting to see the boys as boys/toddlers and not babies anymore. It's kinda sad. They are getting sooooo tall and I just want to cry. Time is FLYING by and I sometimes wished it would just stand still and I could go to the baby section and get them something cute. We are off tomorrow to get hair cuts (which Braeden hates! he hates people touching his head, so he screams) I think I might send Beau with them by himself! HAHA...I keep telling myself one day that will be fun for them! =]

(More Pictures to come after we have hair cuts and the tags are takin off!=])

Here are a few while I was trying to clean tonight. I put all their toys on the couch and they thought it was tooo funny! When I tried to put them up after I finished mopping, they threw a fit because they wanted them on the couch....Oh the Terrible Twos are such fun! =]

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Family & 2 Year Old Pictures

Well my mom got to come and spend her spring break with us all week! We decided to take a new family picture and the boys pictures at the beach...We haven't been down there since last summer. I guess Brennen has decided to be a "pretty boy" because he did NOT like the sand. He did not want it on his toes. Braeden would just throw it all over the place. We were really shocked that we got a good picture of Brennen not screaming because I sat him down in the sand.

The water was sooo pretty this day.



Brennen giving Mommy a sweet kiss

Braeden giving Mommy a sweet kiss

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Double Post

Ok, so I have 2 totally differnt things to talk about and decided to put them together. Neither deal with the boys so this can just be my random post.

Ok, 1st I have to say I'm in love..Like totally in love. A BRAND New Target opened up within a mile from my house AND it has a Starbucks. It's grand opening was this weekend and I'm totally in love. Although I don't know how long I will get to shop there I'm still in love. It's sooo cool! HAHA

Ok, 2nd. I saw some votes that they liked Baby Jelly Beans better than this site. My feeling are hurt! HAHA Just kidding. Whoever you are, if you want to come out. Please let me know if there is a specific reason. I like blogger. I feel that it is more of a journal than picture album. I think the boys, Beau & I will love going back in 20 years and reading all these silly posts I've made. It just seems more to me that it is more a journal now that the boys are getting older and I don't take as many pictures! I however don't like that you can't sign a guestbook. But you CAN leave a comment. Soooo, if any one is actually reading, please leave a comment every now and again. You don't have to have an account and you can be annonomous.

Ok, that's all I have. I totally have whatever this crap the boys had all last week, so I've been lazy all day and went to Target and it just made my day. I actually seemed to feel better for those 30 minutes..Then I get back here and feel like poo again. I forsee many boring days in Target and too much of my money going to it. =]

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Ok, so my dryer is breaking and it is doing really weird things...Like turning on when you hit the light button. Only the boys would figure this out and think it is HILARIOUS to throw clean clothes all over the floor.

Licking the Spoon...

Well for the first time, I let the boys lick the spatula after making brownies. It was sooo precious. Brennen was standing in the kitchen and I just handed him the spatula. He went over to Braeden and shared, it was soo cute! He didn't want to let Braeden hold it so he told him to stick out his tongue. =] We also got a kiddie table with the boys birthday money. They love it. They think they are soo big and love coloring on it. But of course, they liked playing with the box just as much.

To see bigger pictures and captions, click here

Friday, March 6, 2009

Watch Out Texas...

Here we come! The Henry's are coming back to Texas! WooHoo!!! Beau got his navigator wings today and they had a ceremony. He will be hard-winged March 27th, then followed by EWO school, then Survival school, then Abilene. It will be a few months before we get there, but can't wait! Hope to see everyone soon!

To see larger photos click here

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Not off to a good start...

Well the 2 year olds are not off to a good start. I'm beginning to think that 2 is going to be our "sick" year. Every kid has one I think. Anyways, we went to visit the doctor again today...Good thing we have free insurance! HAHA Braeden woke up around midnight last night about to cough off a lung. Literally. I got up to get him some medicine and Brennen seemed fine. I was in the kitchen and he walked in and I noticed his eye..All matted up and he couldn't open in. I thought oh great he has pink eye. I decided that there was nothing I could do and it didn't seem to bother him, so I just wiped it with a warm rag for a while and we all went back to sleep. We woke up this morning and his eye was worse. I got worried and went to the doctor. I'm not messing with eyes, that scares me. So we wait for 2 hours and see the doctor. He tells me that it is an eye/ear thing. That pink eye is not as bad as everyone at school always tells you and it isn't that contagious. He looked at both the boys ears. Braeden's look pretty good and Brennen's right look like it had a little infection. He then looks into his left and can't because there is so much wax. He has to clean out his ear. Ya, Brennen was screaming and I think Braeden was screaming sympathy screams with him. It looked painful. Anyways, he gave us Augmentin for Brennen. We both decided since Braeden wasn't as bad and his ears were clear that we would hold off. We have given Braeden Augmentin before and he had an allergic reaction. We did discuss the 2 other options that we can give him if it gets worse. But at this time, we are only treating Brennen since he is obviously sicker. It's weird...Braeden & Beau has always been the ones to get sick first. Now it's Brennen & I that are sick. Yuck Yuck. Oh well. I'm not too bad, just a runny nose. Let's just hope & pray that Braeden gets better w/out antibiotics with his allergy.

PS...Tomorrow is the day. We will know around noon what plane Beau gets. Check back tomorrow evening and I will be sure and post!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dr. Visit

We had our 2 Year Check-Up today. The boys had to get up early and weren't very happy. They did their weight & height and the stupid rectal thermometer since the under-arm wasn't working. Braeden had a little fever and the doctor thinks they just got some kind of virus. Everything looked well. The boys grew almost 2 inches each in 6 months. Brennen is in the 95 percentile for his head (HAHA) and Braeden 75. Both boys are in the 75th percentile for height and a little under 50 for weight. I'm sure we are going to have tall skinny boys. Sound like anyone you know? The doctor was concerned about their talking. At 24 months, the boys should have at the minimum 50 words. The boys probably have 25. He is referring us to a speech therapist where we will have consultation. He said we could wait a couple more months, but Beau & I both agreed it wouldn't hurt to start now since in a couple months we don't know where we will be. I called the number to make an appointment, but haven't heard back. It's a little scary. Up to this point the boys have been very healthy and not had any problems. They were a little later than most for walking, but that was considered normal for boys. It's a little upsetting, but I know they know some words and that is encouraging. I think after the consultation I will be a little more comforted. They also did an autism test and everything looked good...No autism. I will update once I know when we will have our appointment for speech therapy.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sick Once Again...

Well I think the boys got a 24-hour flu from day care on Thursday. Or they were going to get it anyways and I just happened to take them to day care right before. HAHA Anyways, Saturday was suppose to be a busy day. We had a friends 2nd Birthday to go to, but Braeden woke up and just didn't look or act like he felt well. Well by Saturday afternoon all he wanted to do was sleep. VERY STRANGE for a 2 year old. Sleep in this house is not cool. Well Braeden was laying on the couch and Brennen was eating a cookie with Beau and decided to bring some over to Braeden without Beau or I asking. It was the sweetest thing I think I have ever witnessed. It seriously brought tears to my eyes and even does just thinking about it. Anyways, that was way off topic, but thought it was just too sweet. Well Braeden puked about 6 and had a fever of 102. We gave him a bath since he smelled like puke...Anyways, we put them in bed about 9:15 and didn't hear another peep out of them. I went and checked on them about mid-night and Brennen felt a little hot so I figured he was getting it too. I didn't hear them all night. I woke up this morning about 9 and they were both snoozing away. I started Cloroxing our entire house hoping that Beau & I wouldn't get it. Actually more that Beau wouldn't get it. He has 2 flights left to complete by Friday and if he is sick they will not let him fly. Anyways, I did all the toys, bathrooms, door handles, lights...EVERYTHING. My house sure did get a deep clean. At 10:30 the boys still were sleeping and I just couldn't beleive that I was actually awake without them. Those that know me know that I'm a sleeper so the boys usually do the waking up around here. Anyways, Brennen woke up at 11:30 and Braeden at 12:00. Beau & I kept debating whether to wake them up or not, but figured they just needed to sleep it off. Brennen woke up and just sit on the couch until 2. And Braeden played a little. It was like they would get a ton of energy, then just crash again. It was kinda strange. So all the rules were off in our house today. We ate pudding for lunch. And then at 3:30 they acted tired, so I let them bring all their bedding and lay down on the couch to watch Barney. They were both asleep within a minute. It was too cute! HOpefully they have slept off this nasty thing and tomorrow they will be a little more energetic. (I never thought I would say I want 2 year olds to be a little more energectic) I love cuddling with them all day, it reminds me of their baby days. Oh how time flies! Anyways, here are a couple pictures I got of them sleeping on the couch!