Thursday, April 17, 2008


Here is Brennen acting like a caveman and Braeden's new-found talent of being a bully.

All in a Days Time

Sooo..The wonderful but stubborn boys decided to wake up today and wave bye-bye and clap. We have only been working on this for 6 months and today they both just decide to start today. They were oooo-soo proud of themselves. They love to do things on their own time! Maybe tomorrow we will be walking. :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Laughing W/ Da-Da

Soo..Anyone who knows Beau pretty much knows he HATES the plant decoration that I have on our coffee table. He claims he can't see the TV, but I say you can see it just fine. Well the boys have found my "jungle" and thought it was too funny to throw it down. Sorry for the TV in the background, Beau was recording since he thought this was soooo funny! HAHA

Our Singing Dog

Grammie sent us some presents! The boys LOVE stuffed animals these days. They make the funniest little noise whenever they see any kind of stuffed animal and then nose dive it. The poor dog didn't last too long with his ears, but he still looks cute! :)

Thursday, April 10, 2008


The boys have made sooo much improvement on their walking this month!! They are now walking with the walkers we got for Christmas. Brennen gets sooo proud of himself and almost falls because he smiles sooo big and closes his eyes. Braeden is also pulling up on flat surfaces, so he has to use his legs. Brennen is still pulilng up on the coffee tables and couch. Their new thing are the windows, they love looking outside.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Being Funny

These videos are mostly of Braeden playing peek-a-boo, talking and dancing. He was in a good mood and just playing all night! This was right after he started feeling better from having the tummy bug! You sure could tell he was happy for it to be over. Brennen is also in the background playing in the trash...I catch him and he throws the evidence and looks innocent! My days are soooo numbered!! :)

This was all taken at the same time, I just broke it up into 3 different videos so it wouldn't take as long to upload!

Hope you enjoy! We thought his dancing was too funny!