Monday, April 20, 2009

Doin' the Potty Dance...

For a few weeks now I have been letting the boys sit on the potty during diaper changes. Nothing has happened. Well today after they wake up from their nap Braeden pee's in the potty. I start clapping and screaming and he is just all smiles from ear to ear. I gave him an M&M and made sure Brennen saw EVERYTHING that was going on. We are in big-boy undies and I guess it is that time. I have the timer set for 20 minutes, so we will see if we have any accidents. I have not forced the issue...And I know it's not the best time with us driving back to Texas this weekend. But hey...If he wants to tee-tee in the potty, more power to him! I'm all for buying less diapers! =]

Friday, April 17, 2009

Beach Day..

Today was many Fridays that we go out to the beach with some friends. The wind was NOT cooperating today, so we didn't get to stay very long. I did put Brennen down in the sand and he actually didn't have a cow like last time. I put his Crocs on him today instead of his flip-flops and I think that did the trick. With the high winds, we decided to go to the mall and shop instead. Here is a picture of the boys on the drive home from the mall. I guess I wore them out.

One last unrelated thing. Brennen stole my water bottle and took off. He didn't think I saw him, but I thought it was too funny. He is standing their watching his new Baby Einstein tape, with his shirt half off, downing my water as fast as possible. He drank that whole bottle of water and barely made a mess. I was impressed!

Oh No He caught me taking pictures...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Brennen Vs. Concrete

Well we had our 1st major accident today. Brennen fell off the swing on our back patio and got a nice shiner. I felt horrible. I had just told him 2 seconds before to be careful or he would fall...And boy did he fall. We got it all cleaned up and he only cried for a couple seconds. He is strong..HAHA Later on he cried louder when Braeden took a toy. Oh well. Every time I would ask him what happened to his head, he would put his hand up and say UhOh Uh Oh and give me a really sad face. I tried to get it on video, but he wouldn't have it. I think we survived our 1st accident and I'm sure there will be PLENTY more to come. Hopefully they are all minor and I'm not visiting any ER's.

Let me cover my ears...They hurt. HAHA

See Mommy It's right here...

Look at that face...

Ok, disclamer the internet really messed up the pictures...It looks a LOT worse in person. I promise, it's not just me being his mom. Even Beau was freaked out!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

The Easter Bunny came to see the boys last night and oh boy do I need to have a talk with him. Next year I'm going to make sure that he only leaves Cereal and NO chocolate. I have been reminded why I don't give the boys chocolate. They GO NUTS! It was a long morning, but now they are napping off all the chocolate. HAHA They woke up before me and found the baskets and I wake up hearing thing hitting the floor. I walk in and they are opening the eggs, looking whats in there and decided whether to eat it or throw it on the floor. After they are finished with the eggs, they went on the floor.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Here we come...

The boys and I are coming to Texas on April 25th.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Party

We had an Easter party today w/ a few friends and the boys had a blast. We made Pine-Cone Bird Feeders w/ Peanut Butter & Birdseed & attempted to dye eggs. I don't have any pictures because I was too busy trying to keep 2 boys from eating the peanut butter off the knife & sticking their fingers in the dye. We also had an easter egg hunt and they boys were in heaven w/ all the chocolate. I don't think they have ever had soo much fun.

Braeden & Olivia sitting at the table eating candy

Braeden playing with the girls. Olivia & Kat

All the kids seeing what candy they got

Braeden picking up an egg

Brennen Chasing Stephanie...She was trying to show him how to get the eggs


All the kids getting ready to go hunt

Jackie keeping the kids entertained while we clean up the eggs. Can you tell she is a Pre-School teacher. I was in shock that the boys were actually sitting.


Brennen playing with Kat

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What Brennen Thinks of Salad

Ya, the video says it all. Don't put salad on Brennens plate or this is what happens. You can't put ketchup or ranch unless he points to the spot on his plate. He has to put his own pepper. I think he might have a little problem.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I have been wanting to take the boys to this Jump-N-Party place since we moved here when they were only 5 months old. It looks like fun. We finally got to go last week and we had a blast. I wished it was a little bigger of a building, I got a little claustrophobic. AND I wish they would separate big kids from the smaller ones. So ya, the slides were fun, the boys had a blast. They LOVED going down by their self. Beau & I had to climb up there because they couldn't get up all the steps, but it was fun!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

More Winging!

Here are a couple more pictures that Beau's cousin got with their camera. I love the one of me trying to put on Beau's wings and Braeden trying to run. The face just explains it all. It's a good thing you couldn't see my face. I wasn't a happy momma!

This picture cracks me up. I looks like Braeden & Hannah are dancing. We are really just trying to get them to all sit still long enough for a picture..I don't think it ever happened.

This is the picture you need to click on and look at Braeden's face. He was not happy...At all.