Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Working Hard...

Things have slowed down a bit since we moved so I decided it was time to put the boys room together AKA Paint, Decorate and put more things in the room besides essentials (bed, dresser, toys). We have gone with the boys favorite colors: Blue for Brennen and Green for Braeden. I also threw in some Orange and Gray. I will be painting and putting stuff together soon! Here is a sneak peek of us painting their name letters. I debated on whether to do this again, but Brennen insists that he has his NAME ABOVE HIS BED! So we went with the letters again!!!

I have some of the best helpers a mommy could ask for!!

Braeden with no pants! Surprise Surprise! The child hate pants and if we are home I have given up on making him wear them! HA


The boys have come to a stage where they sit still (most of the time) and let us read to them. I love it! I hated reading as a kid and still wouldn't pick it as my past time activities...I hope hope hope that I can get my kids to love it!

Daddy and the boys reading...Brennen WILL be the class-clown. Sorry to all the teachers b/c if there is a serious moment he will be a goof ball!!

Brennen wanted a picture of the bird!

Mommy and the boys reading

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Laazyy Saturdays

Daddy and Brennen taking an afternoon nap together!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

It only took a WHOLE day…

 BUT I’m up to date on my blog!  I went back and added pictures all the way to Christmas.  Man I have been horrible this year with blogging.  Maybe, just maybe life has slowed down a little and I will be able to blog more….(Don’t hold your breath, but I’m trying!)

My project for today…Taking Avery’s newborn pictures that I believe turned out pretty darn cute!


Not sure if that smile was intentional or gas, but it’s a smile and looks precious!!

Oh ya and LiveWriter is the BESSSST Invention EVER!  I highly recommend that all of you download it on your computer.  You write the blog, drag the pictures and your done!  No single picture uploading!  You can do in-line pictures or an album.  Only catch is you have the have a LiveWriter account (aka hotmail).

Avery Zailyn

Avery Zailyn made her big arrival at 3:19 on Wednesday, May 5.  She weighed 6lb 13 oz and 20 1/2 inches long.  She is just precious and Auntie Ki is LOVING spoiling her and actually having a reason to walk down the girlie isle at the store or buy a cute hat or bow!!!  Her mommy even brought her here this week to hang out!  Braeden wasn’t too sure of her to begin with but after a few days he LOVES her to death and even helped me feed her.  Brennen has been crazy about her from the beginning.  Yesterday while cooking supper Steph laid Avery down in her bed and walked away for 2 seconds and went back and Brennen had put her blanket on..Guess he thought she would get cold!

Big Country Air Show

Abilene had a Air Show out at the base on May 1.  It was fairly large for the size of Abilene and we had a blast!  The boys LOVED all the airplanes and have asked very day since to go see the airplanes in the barn (aka hanger)!  This year is the 25th Anniversary of the B-1 (the plane Beau is in) and they made it extra special.  I got lots of pictures on my new camera and will blow them up to for decoration in the boys new airplane room!!!

Chance is a Senior…

Oh my!  It has finally hit me that my little brother is getting older and is  going to graduate from high school!  He’s suppose to be the baby brother forever!!!  I did his Senior pics and his graduation invitations.  I thought they turned out pretty good myself!  We took them at my Granny’s old barn.  Granny passed away this year so it made them pretty special to have them at the old farm.

Mommy Got a New Camera!!!!

I finally got a new camera! The camera I have wanted to yearssssss....A Nikon! Yay!

Random Pictures from the new camera....

Brennen smiling for the camera

Brennen running from me! (Turkey!) Notice all the pics of Brennen and none of Braeden, well I said mommy got a new camera and he bolted and hid from me outside! Sooooo..No pics of just Braeden.

Mommy & Brennen

Sweeet Brothers

Daddy getting ready for his airplane school! The boys have decided they go to school, mommy goes to school, so daddy has to go to school with the airplanes!

PS---THIS IS MY 100TH POST! 100 posts! WOOHOO!!