Sunday, December 7, 2008

Brennen has such a quite little sweet voice, which is soooo different from his personality!! It is sometimes hard to hear him talking with Braeden b/c he is soo much quieter. He was talking during breakfast the other day so I decided I would get him on tape. They are getting really good about repeating what they hear...Or at least trying. We are still having problems with our G's...Grammie isn't going to be happy with us.

PS-I never thought I could have 2 completely different boys. Don't you love how Brennen is just clean and wants to get everything back on his plate and Braeden is throwing food all over the place...This is a daily thing. Beau taught the boys how to wipe their face and hands and now neither will eat unless they have a napkin...It's too cute we have such manners around here. HAHA
(This is a continuous video, I just split it in 2 b/c it was soo big)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Go Tech!

Well the boys might have jinxed poor Tech...Oh well we learned how to get our Guns Up!! We will always love our Tech!!


Christmas at the Henry's

I ordered some Christmas decorations and presents and they came in about 5 minutes before bedtime. I couldn't wait to see what we got...So I opened the box, and my house will never be the same. It was FULL of peanut stuffing! The boys had a BLAST! They stayed up an hour past their bedtime and never stopped playing with the peanuts. It was hilarous and I'm still finding peanuts a week after the fun.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Day As Braeden & Brennen

Here are a few videos that I got one morning...The boys are just changing so much I thought I would capture it all for everyone.

Braeden talking...Brennen can say these words too, he just chooses not to =]

Oh yes..Our favorite thing to do especially when Mommy is trying to cook and not paying us any attention...

Brennen running, then he has something on his foot.

Well we are at the stage of pretending to be monsters...And we usually just act but when I asked Braeden this time, he turned into one...

Braeden has learned how to make himself dizzy playing ring-a-round the rosies...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

After 3 Long Days...

Well after 3 days of the boys falling asleep anywhere except their beds, they finally went to bed in their new toddler beds last night without Beau and I having to move them from the floor...Now we just have to get nap times down...Nap time=Mommy time and Mommy has had a HARD 3 days with no naps!! I think the problem w/ nap time is they can see each other and can see to play...I might have to go buy a black-out shade today. We desperately need our naps back!! =]

Friday, November 7, 2008

Trying to Cook...

And this is what happens when you leave the pantry door open and walk away for 2 seconds in the Henry household...


Ok, for those of you that do look I know it has been a LONG time since I posted videos..Well I'm back and will be posting now!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

What's that on my feet

Get those darn things off.....


The boys have learnd ring around the rosies. They love falling down...

Just Like Their Dad

Sooo.The boys won't watch the TV if I put on any video..I have tried them ALL!! Not such a bad thing, but their are moments where I would just like them to sit still....Then Beau puts this on and they go into a trance....Does it have subliminal messages because I KNOW it can not be that interesting....I'll let the video do the rest of the talking!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Little Daredevil

I think Braeden might be the little daredevil! He has already tried to do a front flip off the the couch..Unsuccessfully, but we didn't break anything or bleed! YAY He just freaked me out to no end! We might have a future X-Games competitor on our hands! Thanks Grandma for the motorcycles! We LOVE riding them! Oh ya and my kids don't have their pajama pants on half the time..I know, but they have learned how to take them off by themselves so it's just easier once they wake up in the morning to just leave them off until we get dressed for the day!

And We still think this is funny...

So when we were 6 months old and 1st moved to Pensacola we thought daddy hitting mommy w/ the towel was h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s...Well almost a year later and we still think it's pretty darn funny..We are such boys! :) Mommy use to get chased by Pa & G-Unk. She would go into the bathroom and lock the door just so they couldn't get her...Now she has to deal w/ daddy teaching us learning how to pop her with the towel.

PS-Does that laugh sound familiar?? There is no denying that Braeden is my son..He may look like Beau to some, but he has my laugh...Poor thing!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Brennen Has Learned...

Brennen has learned the night-night smile. The boys are really starting to copy each other..This has its positives, but there are also some negative aspects. Each time one does something they aren't suppose to the other has to try to see if he gets the same reaction. I feel that I'm repeating myself over and over and over each day. The boys are also learning their body parts, but I can't get them to do it on camera. We have found our belly, tongue, ear, nose and trying for the eyes. Check back soon and hopefully we will have them showing you each.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Brennen Falling Asleep

Brennen started falling asleep during his lunch today. I guess he had a hard morning because he was dosing...But sure didn't want to miss anything. Then afterwards neither of them took a nap! Little Turkeys!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

They Have Learned to Stand Up

Braeden & Brennen learned how to stand up and take off today! Braeden will no longer will crawl, he will stand up and take off!! He just took his 1st steps yesterday and now he is off! Brenen still crawls a little because he is faster! I think my days are numbered!! It's offical....they are no longer my babies, but toddlers!! YIKES!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Braeden's Walking!!

Braeden has started taking a few steps!! WOOHOO! Beau stood him up right before lunch today and he took off and looked at us like it was a piece of cake! He has known that he could walk for months now, but has just been rotten and fallen down every time we tried to get him to go. Both the boys are trying hard to stand up on their own and are too cute trying! I'm sooo excited for them, but a little scared of all the bumps and bruises to come! There will be many more posts to come of them walking! It has only taken 15 months 3 Weeks & 2 Days so we are celebrating!! :)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Braeden's Night-Night Smile

Braeden has started giving us this smile anytime we say night-night! I guess he thinks we just can't resist this cute little grin!! Which is true because we just start laughing every time!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

JuiJitSu Kids

So anyone that knows Beau knows that he is all into JuiJitSu and UFC...SO the other day I was trying to clean so I put the boys into the play pen to play. I turn around and this is what they were doing! I was cracking up because they are just now starting to play w/ one another and this is how they start!! Such boys!!

(This is a continous video, I just broke it up into 3 so it would load)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Brennen Has Started Walking!!!!

Well Brennen has finally taken off! He has been taking about 3-4 steps then falling, but today he decided to take off!!! Braeden is getting closer so I bet he takes off within a week or 2...He doesn't do well in the video..He was too tired! :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Brennen's 1st Steps

Here is a video from Texas of Brennen's 1st couple of steps. We are getting closer and closer each day to both the boys walking. Both will catch themselves standing on their own...Hopefully before too long we will be walking.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Here is Brennen acting like a caveman and Braeden's new-found talent of being a bully.

All in a Days Time

Sooo..The wonderful but stubborn boys decided to wake up today and wave bye-bye and clap. We have only been working on this for 6 months and today they both just decide to start today. They were oooo-soo proud of themselves. They love to do things on their own time! Maybe tomorrow we will be walking. :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Laughing W/ Da-Da

Soo..Anyone who knows Beau pretty much knows he HATES the plant decoration that I have on our coffee table. He claims he can't see the TV, but I say you can see it just fine. Well the boys have found my "jungle" and thought it was too funny to throw it down. Sorry for the TV in the background, Beau was recording since he thought this was soooo funny! HAHA

Our Singing Dog

Grammie sent us some presents! The boys LOVE stuffed animals these days. They make the funniest little noise whenever they see any kind of stuffed animal and then nose dive it. The poor dog didn't last too long with his ears, but he still looks cute! :)

Thursday, April 10, 2008


The boys have made sooo much improvement on their walking this month!! They are now walking with the walkers we got for Christmas. Brennen gets sooo proud of himself and almost falls because he smiles sooo big and closes his eyes. Braeden is also pulling up on flat surfaces, so he has to use his legs. Brennen is still pulilng up on the coffee tables and couch. Their new thing are the windows, they love looking outside.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Being Funny

These videos are mostly of Braeden playing peek-a-boo, talking and dancing. He was in a good mood and just playing all night! This was right after he started feeling better from having the tummy bug! You sure could tell he was happy for it to be over. Brennen is also in the background playing in the trash...I catch him and he throws the evidence and looks innocent! My days are soooo numbered!! :)

This was all taken at the same time, I just broke it up into 3 different videos so it wouldn't take as long to upload!

Hope you enjoy! We thought his dancing was too funny!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Brennen Walking

Brennen sure did surprise us today! He stood up on his lion and took off walking! We couldn't believe it! On this tile the lion flies, so he is basically walking all on his own! We tried to get Braeden to walk too, but he took 1 step and decided he would scream for help! It won't be long and I will have some walkers!! :)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Playing Ball

The boys love to play ball!! Brennen has really learned how to bounce it and throw it back! Braeden really loves hold it and trying to eat it!

Brennen gets distracted....Braeden laughing.

Braeden gets distracted.....Brennen laughing.

Finally Both boys playing ball with DaDa.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Special Delivery!!

We received a package today from Nanny and Poppa! Here are 3 videos of the boys playing! Braeden wasn't too sure about the monkeys.

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Braeden & Brennen! Here are some videos of the boys 1st birthday!! Sorry they are all broken up, but it was just too big to put into one video.


Brennen decided to take to balloon off his high chair to play!

Blowing Bubbles

We got to play with bubbles for our birthday!! Brennen thought they were too funny!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Going to Gymboree

We took the boys to Gymboree for their birthday! Here is a video from the car!

Brennen Crawling in the Laundry Basket

Here is Brennen helping do the laundry! You might want to pause because Braeden is mad at Beau for putting him down so he is crying! :)

Braeden Waving Bye-Bye

Braeden has begun to wave bye-bye.