Saturday, April 5, 2008

Being Funny

These videos are mostly of Braeden playing peek-a-boo, talking and dancing. He was in a good mood and just playing all night! This was right after he started feeling better from having the tummy bug! You sure could tell he was happy for it to be over. Brennen is also in the background playing in the trash...I catch him and he throws the evidence and looks innocent! My days are soooo numbered!! :)

This was all taken at the same time, I just broke it up into 3 different videos so it wouldn't take as long to upload!

Hope you enjoy! We thought his dancing was too funny!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you all! I cannot believe how much you have grown since I left.
Braeden, you are just too funny. Maybe you can teach me how to get jiggy.
Brennen, when you come to Grammie's house I will go buy some new toys so you won't have to play in the trash.
Hurry and get momma and daddy to get some airline tickets so we can start counting the days.
Hugs and slobbies,