Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Brennen Vs. Concrete

Well we had our 1st major accident today. Brennen fell off the swing on our back patio and got a nice shiner. I felt horrible. I had just told him 2 seconds before to be careful or he would fall...And boy did he fall. We got it all cleaned up and he only cried for a couple seconds. He is strong..HAHA Later on he cried louder when Braeden took a toy. Oh well. Every time I would ask him what happened to his head, he would put his hand up and say UhOh Uh Oh and give me a really sad face. I tried to get it on video, but he wouldn't have it. I think we survived our 1st accident and I'm sure there will be PLENTY more to come. Hopefully they are all minor and I'm not visiting any ER's.

Let me cover my ears...They hurt. HAHA

See Mommy It's right here...

Look at that face...

Ok, disclamer the internet really messed up the pictures...It looks a LOT worse in person. I promise, it's not just me being his mom. Even Beau was freaked out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know how much worse it could be??? It looks like you hit him with a baseball bat...or something of the like. G-Unk