Thursday, June 10, 2010


Potty Training....Yup that is right! I hate it, I stink at it, and the boys just DON"T get it! We're almost a year into potty training and we STILL have accidents...almost daily! I don't know what we're doing wrong, the boys teachers at school don't know what to do, we are just allllll at a BIG HUGE loss. We bought them a swimming pool...last post and they can not potty in their pants if they want to swim..Been a little better but still not perfect. I have come to the point that if the boys are in the backyard, they can potty on the grass. Well that idea came back to bite me in the rear end big time yesterday.

We went to eat with a bunch of people Beau works with. During supper, Braeden had an accident, went to the bathroom and of course bad mommy didn't have any extra underwear or pants. Trashed the undies and decided to go comando b/c his shorts weren't too wet after I dried them with the hand dryer...Yes people were looking at me really strange! Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. THEN we are leaving and I'm standing there talking to someone look over and Braeden has his pants at his ankles and about to shoot the entire parking lot...[I ABOUT DIED HERE!] So I run over to stop him, pull his pants up and tell hiim he HAS to go to the potty!! Was he about to explode...No he just wanted to T-T outside I think! I believe this can count as vote number 3 or 4 for Mommy of the Year!

This potty training has by FAR been my biggest challenge as a mom! I will get one kid trained, then the other starts having accidents, I get him ready and the other goes back. It's just a never ending cycle! I wished I had waited at least until they were 3 to even start potty training!

I'm to a point where I just hope they are potty trained before kindergarten!!

1 comment:

Tara said...

ohhh girl! i can't even imagine!!! and two at once! geez. that is one thing that i totally dread! if it makes you feel better i feel like a terrible at a lot of stuff!!! masyn has started throwing the worst fits and i have absolutely no idea what to do about them! but i've tried it all. ha. i just have a feeling that one day we'll look back and they'll have turned out okay... and they won't be peeing in parking lots or their pants [although that completely cracked me up.] and hopefully they won't be flinging themselves on the floor in public places. hopefully... please GOD hopefully!!!