Tuesday, September 29, 2009


When I lived in Florida this blog was updated probably every day of the new events in our lives! I have been the WORST blogger ever since we got to Texas! It's not that I haven't taken pictures, I have but they are still on my camera. I need at least 36 hours in a day to keep up right now and then the boys getting sick last week really got me behind! We got admitted to the hospital Saturday morning, to later be released. Brennen got an IV in, but no fluids and they could never get one in Braeden (only 3 tries before I came UN-GLUED). It was a mess, but both finally conquered that nasty stomach virus on their own and got rehydrated! They even ate 4 servings of supper tonight! AND they ate some broccoli..I was in shock it only took 5 million tries before it worked! I love love being back in Texas and around all my family, but some days I wish that we were back in Florida where the boys and I spent hours a day just being together. I miss these days, they were relaxed and it was just us. I watched the boys grow and learn and didn't miss a thing! Now I see them 3-4 hours a day and I have to cherish every second of that! I love their day care and they love it too! After being out all last week they were both begging me on Monday to go to school and see their babies. They think their job is to take care of those babies every day for their mommies! They are too cute and soo different at the same time! We are right in the middle of potty training! They do great for everyone at day care but have their own rules when mommy is around. Braeden got this great fear of cats and dogs this summer! He thought they were going to eat him! We finally taught him to growl at them to make them run, so he runs around all day growling! It is too funny! He listens and is always playing with his friends when I pick him up from school. Brennen has his own little world he lives in! He is the sweetest thing and such a momma's boy but he sure can be a mess! The other day I forgot to take their bag full of extra underwear so I ran home and went back! All the kids, every single one of them was sitting on the wall like their teacher told them, well except for Brennen of course! He was sitting in the teachers lap telling all the other kids what to do! He is the dominant personality around here! (Or so he thinks) Both the boys love their Uncle Chance and football! Every time we see football it is Chance! He even plays for Texas Tech and the Dallas Cowboys! HAHA They are getting so big and independent it makes me sad, but at the same time I love seeing them grow into their own! I miss my babies but love that we can actually do things just the 3 of us! So many problems I had in Florida came down to managing 2 babies while being away from home. Now we can walk into a store holding hands or I can tell them to hold hands in the parking lot and they listen. On a better note, Beau will be in San Antonio in 2 weeks! WOOOHOO! This means weekends with daddy for all of us! We will be on the road a lot but it is well worth to spend that amazing time with him! We miss him soo much and can't wait until March when we are all together again, just the 4 of us!


Tara said...

I hate only seeing Masyn a couple of hours a day too! I try to cherish every second ~ and especially the weekends. I'm glad that they love daycare now and that they are taking care of my baby! =) They are always so cute when I see them up there. And I am REALLY glad that y'all are all feeling better! That bug was so not cool... We ended up with in on Saturday but thankfully it didn't last too long. Wasn't fun while it lasted though.

March will be here before long... I know that you're ready to be back with Beau. I think you are one, pretty strong chick though to take on all that you have!!!

Lindsey said...

Seein you recently made me realize how strong of a woman you are. You have dont an awesome job raising the boys. The are two wonderful & beautiful blessings. I miss all of you so much! Love you! Give the boys hugs & kisses.

Stephanie said...

It's hard being a working (or schooling) Mom! Only seeing them a few hours a day is sooooo tough. I'm like you, you just have to cherish every hour you get with them. They are so cute at daycare! I think they fit in so well down there. :)