Friday, October 2, 2009

The Light Finally Went off…

Well today, after officially trying for 32 days the boys both had 0 accidents!  These past 32 days have worked my patience to levels I never knew existed!  I love my boys to death and I knew knew knew they could potty train but they decided to be stubborn just like with everything else!  =]  They have been fully trained at day-care for weeks, but refused to potty after they got home!  They thought it was just something they were suppose to do at day-care.  BUT after many accidents, a few underwear in the trash because mommy wouldn’t clean poop we finally have figured it out!  Brennen has had 2 days now without an accident and today was Braeden’s 1st.  Braeden had a little bit of an excuse yesterday though..The end of the virus started and he had some nasty poop! 

Anyways.  I’m so proud of the boys and even more important they are sooo proud of themselves!  I asked them today if they were big boys and they got the biggest grin on their face and said “Yup”!  I heard about poop and T-T for 30 minutes on our drive home from Nanny’s.  They talked about how they had to use the potty and how their T-T makes bubbles and how it goes bye-bye when you flush it!  I was dying laughing the entire time thinking..Man only with 2 year olds you would have this conversation for 30 minutes.

Although it has been a long 32 days that smile today made every second, every washer full of wet undies, and even every pooped undies sooo worth it!  They are officially big boys!  No more pampers!  =] 


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