Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Festivities

We had an interesting weekend and Halloween!  We had a GREAT Friday afternoon with Addison.  Courtnee and Cory had to work late and Beau didn’t get to leave San Antonio very early so we played…

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(I love that picture!)  They all look soo sweet and innocent!


Then Saturday morning we woke up with Brennen in bed with us and a temp.  I thought no big deal, gave him some Motrin and we played all day.

This was the first mess we had on our hands!  FYI-Do NOT leave 2 2 1/2 year olds and a 3 year old playing on the slide when there is mud!  But all we could do was laugh and clean it up.  The boys thought they had me foiled and that I didn’t think they were playing in there!  They had no idea their hinny did all the talking

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Then we let them decorate cupcakes!  FUN TIMES!  It was not near of a mess as we thought it would be and they tasted YUMMY!



Braeden putting sprinkles on.


Brennen is sooo ready.  He is patiently waiting his turn.


Braeden getting ready to eat!

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Brennen’s turn for sprinkles

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Cheese..Now can I eat??

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THEN we decided to go trick-or-treating.  Brennen acted ok, then we we got about 2 houses down he wanted me to carry him..But he still ran up to the door. 

I was the referee..I feel like one most days so I felt it fit!


My football players

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Ok, maybe Brennen doesn’t look too hot in this picture!SDC10565

The football players with a witch! SDC10566 SDC10567 SDC10568



AND this house!  It had this HUGE blow up thing on the outside that you had to walk thru..Then they didn’t even answer the door!  STRANGE!

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AND then we came home and ate TONS of candy..THEN Brennen decided to get a spiking fever and NOTHING would stop it.  Thank God Courtnee is in Nurse Practioner school right now or I would have FREAKED OUT!   Ok, well I still did a little but it helped to say what do you think I should do??

Anyways, he fever got up to 104, we immediately put him in a cold bath..He kept telling me Mommy cooold!  He felt horrible! We gave him Mortirn, then Tylenol, then Mortrin again!  It finally came down to around the 100 range and leveled off!  So I thought ok, we will just drive home tomorrow (Sunday) and if it gets too bad I will take them to the ER.  Brennen woke up a couple hours that night but overall slept pretty well!  Then we wake up Sunday morning and he seemed fine!  CRAZY!  Around noon Beau had to leave and then I was going to leave around 2.  Well in between the time Beau left and I was getting ready Braeden’s temp started doing the SAME thing.  So I freaked out and didn’t want to drive home.  I decided to put them down for a nap and see how it went.  When they woke up they both still had fevers so this is what we saw next.


I knew that if they had the Flu they could only get on Tamiflu in the first 48 hours of symptoms.  We were getting awfully close with Brennen so I decided to play it safe! 

Man I’m soo glad I did.  We went in, both boys had ear infections and were officially diagnosed with the flu strain A!  They do not have ACTUAL h1n1 flu tests so it is not positive, but the doctor was about 99% positive that it was swine.  They act fine.  It’s just the crazy temp.

We decided to watch Uncle Marshal’s last football game for the season at McMurry Monday night, then head home Tuesday morning.  Both boys hadn’t run a fever in over 48 hours so they would be good for day-care.  Then Tuesday night, Braeden’s fever went up to 101 again.  It went right back down with Motrin, but no day-care.  I do NOT want to get those kids sick!  So it’s just mommy and kiddo time until Monday.  I’m going to feel like a stay-at-home mom again!  YAY!


I love this!  The case of h1n1 that we got was not a horrible case and we caught it within the first 48 hours!  But man when I say the boys got it people FReAK out!  We are on Tamiflu AND an antibiotic.  Most cases of h1n1 are not serious but can lead to pnemonia or stuff like that so since we are on antibiotics too it should be cleared up in NO TIME! 


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