Thursday, November 12, 2009

Oh my…

Let the terrible 2’s begin!

I’ve always wondered what the terrible 2’s meant.  We made it more than half way through and I think I JUST figured it out!  I thought I had totally missed the terrible 2’s, because we are closer to 3 than 2 so why not terrible 3’s?? 

What terrible 2’s mean?

  • spitting at mommy when she tells me something I don’t want to hear
  • hitting each other…not kinda tapping them, full on punches
  • fighting over every single toy we own, even if there are 2 in the house they want the SAME one
  • getting a “mean” voice
  • refusing to get dressed
  • not listening to mommy
  • doing anything to upset mommy like REFUSING to go potty
    • Yes mommy has gotten smart and begged with chocolate
  • Did I mention sticking out the tongue and spitting?  The PLAHHH noise.  HAHA it is very hard to explain in typing.  The thing we teach them when they are babies to make a noise
  • Refusing to eat ANYTHING remotely healthy
  • Mommy trying to give you 1 vitamin but you think you deserve 2

Ok, so I’ve had a hard couple of days.  It is REALLY REALLY hard being the only person to discipline the boys around here.  I think they really need their daddy right now, 4 more months.  Speaking of which, why do boys always listen to their daddy better than mommy?  I have disciplined them more than once for all the above (well maybe not the vitamins because it is just funny), but man I feel like the meanest mommy in the world!!  I hate putting them in time out or giving them spankings, but they absolutely can NOT think these things are ok.  Especially the spitting and hitting!  They can be the most precious kids but some days they just wake up with that “attitude”.  Maybe we just need attitude adjustments around here (I HATED when my parents told me that)!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hang in there! You are a GOOD mom for disciplining them. You want them to be well behaved boys, and this is just part of the process. But I totally get it. Gavin has been throwing the worst fits, and during football season it is always me at home with him have to give a spanking! It's tough. Four more months and then you can let Daddy do a little catching up!! :)