Friday, February 27, 2009

All in One Day...

Well Potty Training is now actually working. The boys had to go to day-care yesterday since I had an eye-doctor appointment. They wore diapers all day. Well after supper, I took off all their clothes and told them to go use the potty while I finished cleaning. I didn't think they would actually use it, as they never have before. I just needed to sweep w/out them trying to help. Well Braeden kept whining and I couldn't figure out why. So I walk in there and he had POOPED in the potty! I was in shock..TOTAL SHOCK. He also tried to T-T in the potty, but kinda missed, but some did make it in. I was soooo excited that he got the poop INSIDE the potty. I was in total shock. I'll spare pictures of him w/ his poop, but here is him sitting on the potty after his bath. Brennen was waiting his turn nicely on the big potty.

After I took these pictures Brennen decided it was time to put on a diaper and play. So Brennen and I go to their room to put a diaper on. Braeden wanted to stay on the potty, so I thought nothing about it. He closed the door, still didn't think anything, then I went to open the door and it was LOCKED! Beau is gone and I immediately freaked. I called him and he told me to unscrew the door handle, which I did, but it still didn't open. So while he was on his way home and I called my mom. She told me to look for a latch. There is this silver thing that you have to push over for it to open. AND IT IS VERY HARD TO PUSH. OMG! I now know how to break into a locked door. GO ME! Braeden did good the whole time. He kept trying to hand me the other side of the door handle, it was too cute. Brennen was right beside me saying Uh Oh, Uh Oh, Uh Oh. He was trying to be such a little helper! After I got everything off, Brennen kept trying to go into the bathroom and close the door and Braeden would go near it. I guess it looked like fun for Brennen. So needless to say I think potty training is going to surprise me every day.

1 comment:

Tara said...

oh my gosh, this is hysterical! i guess every day is an adventure for you with two 2 year old boys!!!! =) totally cracked me up!