Wednesday, October 7, 2009


It has been a LONG two weeks.  It started out with a stomach virus and then today the day-care called me about Brennen crying after he woke up from his nap.  They couldn’t figure out what was wrong, but I kinda already knew!  Both of the boys have been pulling at their ears, so I figure it had come to the point where I needed to return to the ER for some antibiotics.  I think it is totally STUPID that we can not just go to a local doctors office for small things and they sometimes look at me funny when I walk into the ER and say…I just need antibiotics.  HA  I think they have finally learned me by name though and know my situation and the way my insurance works.  Anyways, at 4:00 today we left for the ER and Brennen was SCREAMING the entire time.  I felt horrible…I should have gotten it taken care of yesterday, but had a LOT of homework due.  I have loaded my schedule to the MAX this semester (23 hours to be exact) so I can finish quicker..But I’m starting to re-think my thoughts.  Should I load my schedule so I can finish quicker or take a lighter load and have to go another semester??  Anyways, I was right.  Brennen has an ear infection with an upper respiratory infection and Braeden’s ears looks pretty clear so they just determined an upper respiratory infection due to the HORRIBLE cough.  Braeden is allergic to Augmentin which means he is probably allergic to penicillin so it is very difficult to treat him for these types of illnesses!  I will NEVER forget the story about finding out how he was allergic to Augmentin.  We were back in Texas from Florida for a visit and he got an ear infection, they gave it to us and we took it for the required 10 days.  At day 11 he became red-speckled little boy.  A total body rash.  I immediately turned to the internet and sure enough, after you are FINISHED taking the medicine the rash begins, which is easily treated with Benadryl.  He sure did look HORRIBLE.  Anyways, they gave Brennen amoxicillin for 10 days since his ears looked so bad and Braeden Azithromycin for 4 days.  Here is the problem.  I have medicine LOVING kids.  If one boy needs Motrin or any medicine, they cry until the other gets it.  THEY LOVE IT! =/  I’m going to have to get creative for Braeden’s “medicine” for those extra 6 days.  I’m thinking colored water.  HAHA  Anyways, Brennen turned back into my outgoing Brennen within an HOUR of that first dose.  It looks like maybe we got rid of this.  I hope hope hope this isn’t a bad sign for the winter and they are sick all year.  I know with it being their first year in day-care that is a strong possibility.  But I was assured that they weren’t contagious and could return to day-care tomorrow as long as they felt fine.  I feel bad, I wished I could stay at home with them every day but it just can’t happen and me do school work too.  If I’m writing, they think they need to write, If I’m on the computer, they think they need in my lap to look at Daddy.  Hopefully they will be better tomorrow so I can catch back up for the week!

On a funnier note:  I have been asking the boys what their names are.  They will both call Brennen by his name, but EVERY time I ask what Braeden’s name is they SCREAM at the top of their lungs BROTHER BEAR!  I have no idea where this came from, but it is hilarious.  We might need to get an official name change because they BOTH refuse to say Braeden.  We will just have a Brother Bear Henry and Brennen Zain Henry. 

Today I was picking up their toys and Brennen decided to dump them all back out..It was hard for me to get mad since he is sick (I turn into a softy) and I said Brennen Zain in a goofy voice and Braeden then tried to disipline Brennen and YELLED No-No Brennen Zain.  It was too funny.  Braeden all a sudden has become Mr. Mommy around here…Every time I get onto one of them Braeden has to repeat EVERYTHING I say.  I guess it comes with being the oldest! =]

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I was there when Danielle called you yesterday! He was not a happy little boy. He was just so fussy and wanted her to hold him. I am glad you got him some medicine. I was wanting to take him home with me. Can't wait to hear your story about Gavin!