Thursday, March 4, 2010

Updates Updates Updates

Yes I think I have trumped myself for being the worst blogger ever. It has been almost 3 months and I honestly don't know where it went. We were extremely busy during the holidays. I thought it would be a good idea to spend most of the months of December and January with Beau in San Antonio. This was also with lots of car trips back and forth to watch Chance play basketball. The month of February was spent watching basketball games Tuesdays and Fridays, taking Phlebotomy night classes on Mondays and Wednesdays and looking for a house in Abilene to rent on the weekend. Who knew how competitive the rental market in Abilene would be..And it just so happens that this is PCS season meaning there are lots of new people coming onto the base on Abilene. We found something the last weekend of February. Not exactly what we wanted but it is a nice house and we are only renting so in a year if we are 100% staying in Abilene we will buy or build something that we really want. I can deal with a year with the microwave from 1970..Or at least I keep telling my self that...That microwave might get replaced really soon! Although it was awesome to be together again with Beau and as a family, it came with a bunch of stuff not getting done...Like blogging! Without the boys in day-care led to my school work taking a lot longer and into the weekends. I have 18 hours of classes this semester along with 8 in the summer and I'll officially have my Bachelors of Organizational Management. I'm not sure if I'll try for nursing school or not. I'm really tired of school, but not sure if I'll ever enjoy an office job again like I did with Sprint. It's hard going back to something you loved after it ended pretty bad with the whole company buy-out stuff. Anyways..I'm setting a March Revolution...To be a better blogger! He are a few random pic's of 2009 that never made the blog, but sure did capture my heart!

(To Come tomorrow or 3 months later! =])

Our Tattoo’s and Sudan Shirts


Braden playing with a baby and COLORED pancakes, our FAVORITE!

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Playing Wii with Jaymes


And OUT we go…


Licking the beaters at Grammies!  IMG_0285

HAHAHA…Brennen trying to be chance w/ his Ipod earphones and beanie!

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We love being in the car!!!  This is us pretending to go to sleep!IMG_0395 IMG_0398


Stephanie said...

I've loved catching up (even without the pics)! You are a busy girl Kim! I know you will be happy to be done. You're wonder woman! I don't know how you do it all!!!

Unknown said...

Where are the pics? It is tomorrow plus a few days.