Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Babe!!!

February is birthday month around this house.. Well everyone's except mine! LOL Anyways Happy 30th to my awesome husbers!! I guess we will have to celebrate all of ours when you get back!! I kinda had a pity party last week. Guess it was the week 3 life is settling down let's freak out week! Ya oh well. This week has been pretty quite. Lots of studying, boys just sticking to their schedule (thank God they are acting much better!!), and I'm just floating along. It has almost been a month. YAY!! One down not too many left!! So anyways Beau turned 30 today!! OLD MAN!! The boys got to sing Happy Birthday to him on his birthday his time..It was actually still February 11 over here but who's counting. I'm pretty sure the boys were totally excited because it was closer to their birthday. I can not believe my babies are about to be 5!! Seriously I really want these next few months to go by fast, but would really like for my kids to stop growing up! They are learning how to read...Every night I hear MMMMMMommy. Or BBBBBBBook. Or CCCCCCChair. We are having a little trouble with C and K but hey what kid doesn't. It just seems like this past month they have grown up so much. Not sure if it was just a growth spurt or if they are getting more independent with Beau gone but they are just soo big sometimes. Anyways. The boys have officially figured out that when it is dark over here that the sun is up with daddy and every morning on the way to school they inform me that the sun is going down on the other side of the world with daddy. It's totally sweet. They even asked Nanny if it was dark in Muleshoe. BAHAHA. Don't think they live that far away. But they get daddy is on the other side of the world and his schedule is totally different. And Braeden (my infamous mommy's boy) informed me that he is daddy's boy now since he is on the other side of the world. Sad times but I guess I'll let it slide. We all miss him bunches but hey it is what it is and we are chugging along just fine gonna make it! Well that is all for this week as I try to get ready for Valentines and the boy's MarioKart birthday. Fun Times ahead!!!

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